This module implements and exposes a covariance implementation for
neural network models.
import numpy as np
import torch
from ..spectra_fitting import OnePointSpectra
from .covariance_kernels import Covariance
class NNCovariance(Covariance):
Neural Network covariance kernel. Like other covariance kernel implementations, this evaluates the :math:`G(\boldsymbol{k})` which satisfies :math:`G(\boldsymbol{k}) G^*(\boldsymbol{k})=\Phi(\boldsymbol{k}, \tau(\boldsymbol{k}))` where the spectral tensor is defined through the eddy lifetime function learned by the neural network as well as the fitted spectra. Here,
.. math::
\tau(\boldsymbol{k})=\frac{T|\boldsymbol{a}|^{\nu-\frac{2}{3}}}{\left(1+|\boldsymbol{a}|^2\right)^{\nu / 2}}, \quad \boldsymbol{a}=\boldsymbol{a}(\boldsymbol{k})
.. math::
\Phi(\boldsymbol{k}, \tau) & =\left\langle\widehat{\mathbf{u}}(\boldsymbol{k}) \widehat{\mathbf{u}}^*(\boldsymbol{k})\right\rangle \\
& =\mathbf{D}_\tau(\boldsymbol{k}) \boldsymbol{G}_0\left(\boldsymbol{k}_0\right)\left\langle\widehat{\boldsymbol{\xi}}\left(\boldsymbol{k}_0\right) \widehat{\boldsymbol{\xi}}^*\left(\boldsymbol{k}_0\right)\right\rangle \boldsymbol{G}_0^*\left(\boldsymbol{k}_0\right) \mathbf{D}_\tau^*(\boldsymbol{k}) \\
& =\mathbf{D}_\tau(\boldsymbol{k}) \boldsymbol{G}_0\left(\boldsymbol{k}_0\right) \boldsymbol{G}_0^*\left(\boldsymbol{k}_0\right) \mathbf{D}_\tau^*(\boldsymbol{k}) \\
& =\mathbf{D}_\tau(\boldsymbol{k}) \Phi^{\mathrm{VK}}\left(\boldsymbol{k}_0\right) \mathbf{D}_\tau^*(\boldsymbol{k}) .
For more detailed definitions of individual terms, refer to section III B (specifically pages 4 and 5) of the original DRD paper.
def __init__(
ndim: int,
length_scale: float,
E0: float,
Gamma: float,
ops: OnePointSpectra,
h_ref: float,
ndim : int, optional
Number of dimensions for kernel to operate over.
length_scale : float, optional
Length scale non-dimensionalizing constant.
E0 : float, optional
Energy spectrum.
Gamma : float, optional
Time scale.
ops : OnePointSpectra
Pre-trained OnePointSpectra object with a neural network representing the eddy lifetime function and containing the non-dimensionalizing scales, which are also learned by the DRD model.
h_ref : float
Reference height (this is not a parameter learned by the DRD model).
ndim must be 3 for NN covariance.
### Spatial dimensions
if ndim != 3:
raise ValueError("ndim must be 3 for NN covariance.")
self.ndim = 3
self.L = length_scale
self.E0 = E0
self.Gamma = Gamma
self.OPS = ops
self.h_ref = h_ref
### NOTE: NN implicitly involves the length scales (it is associated with non-dimensional internal L)
### NOTE: However, here we scale L with the reference_height - the latter has to be taken into account from the physical setting
def precompute_Spectrum(self, Frequencies: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Evaluation method which pre-computes the square-root of the associated spectrum tensor in the complex domain.
Frequencies : np.ndarray
Frequency domain in 3D over which to compute the square-root of the spectral tensor.
Square-root of the spectral tensor evaluated in the frequency domain; note that these are complex values.
Nd = [Frequencies[j].size for j in range(self.ndim)]
SqrtSpectralTens = np.tile(np.zeros(Nd), (3, 3, 1, 1, 1))
tmpTens = np.tile(np.zeros(Nd), (3, 3, 1, 1, 1))
k = np.array(list(np.meshgrid(*Frequencies, indexing="ij")))
kk = np.sum(k**2, axis=0)
with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"):
k_torch = torch.tensor(np.moveaxis(k, 0, -1)) * self.h_ref
beta_torch = self.Gamma * self.OPS.tauNet(k_torch)
beta = (
if beta_torch.is_cuda
else beta_torch.detach().numpy()
beta[np.where(kk == 0)] = 0
k1 = k[0, ...]
k2 = k[1, ...]
k3 = k[2, ...]
k30 = k3 + beta * k1
kk0 = k1**2 + k2**2 + k30**2
#### Isotropic with k0
const = self.E0 * (self.L ** (17 / 3)) / (4 * np.pi)
const = np.sqrt(const / (1 + (self.L**2) * kk0) ** (17 / 6))
# to enforce zero mean in the x-direction:
# const[k1 == 0] = 0.0
tmpTens[0, 1, ...] = -const * k30
tmpTens[0, 2, ...] = const * k2
tmpTens[1, 0, ...] = const * k30
tmpTens[1, 2, ...] = -const * k1
tmpTens[2, 0, ...] = -const * k2
tmpTens[2, 1, ...] = const * k1
#### RDT
s = k1**2 + k2**2
C1 = beta * k1**2 * (kk0 - 2 * k30**2 + beta * k1 * k30) / (kk * s)
numerator = beta * k1 * np.sqrt(s)
denominator = kk0 - k30 * k1 * beta
C2 = k2 * kk0 / s ** (3 / 2) * np.arctan2(numerator, denominator)
zeta1 = C1 - k2 / k1 * C2
zeta2 = k2 / k1 * C1 + C2
zeta3 = kk0 / kk
# deal with divisions by zero
zeta1 = np.nan_to_num(zeta1)
zeta2 = np.nan_to_num(zeta2)
zeta3 = np.nan_to_num(zeta3)
SqrtSpectralTens[0, 0, ...] = (
tmpTens[0, 0, ...] + zeta1 * tmpTens[2, 0, ...]
SqrtSpectralTens[0, 1, ...] = (
tmpTens[0, 1, ...] + zeta1 * tmpTens[2, 1, ...]
SqrtSpectralTens[0, 2, ...] = (
tmpTens[0, 2, ...] + zeta1 * tmpTens[2, 2, ...]
SqrtSpectralTens[1, 0, ...] = (
tmpTens[1, 0, ...] + zeta2 * tmpTens[2, 0, ...]
SqrtSpectralTens[1, 1, ...] = (
tmpTens[1, 1, ...] + zeta2 * tmpTens[2, 1, ...]
SqrtSpectralTens[1, 2, ...] = (
tmpTens[1, 2, ...] + zeta2 * tmpTens[2, 2, ...]
SqrtSpectralTens[2, 0, ...] = zeta3 * tmpTens[2, 0, ...]
SqrtSpectralTens[2, 1, ...] = zeta3 * tmpTens[2, 1, ...]
SqrtSpectralTens[2, 2, ...] = zeta3 * tmpTens[2, 2, ...]
return SqrtSpectralTens * 1j