Source code for drdmannturb.parameters
This module defines several dataclasses that comprise the set-up for a calibration problem of a DRD-Mann model.
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import List
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from .enums import DataType, EddyLifetimeType, PowerSpectraType
__all__ = ["ProblemParameters", "PhysicalParameters", "NNParameters", "LossParameters"]
class ProblemParameters:
This class provides a convenient method of storing and passing around
generic numerical parameters; this also offers default values
learning_rate : float
Initial earning rate for optimizer.
tol : float
Tolerance for solution error (training terminates if this is reached before the maximum number of epochs allowed)
nepochs : int
Number of epochs to train for
init_with_noise : bool
Whether or not to initialize learnable parameters with random noise; by default, neural network parameters are initialized with the Kaiming initialization while physical parameters are initialized with 0.
noise_magnitude : float
Magnitude of aforementioned noise contribution
data_type : DataType
Type of spectra data used. These can be generated from the Kaimal spectra, provided raw as CUSTOM data, interpolated, filtered with AUTO, or use the Von Karman model.
eddy_lifetime : EddyLifetimeType
Type of model to use for eddy lifetime function. This determines whether a neural network is to be used to learn to approximate the function, or if a known model, such as the Mann eddy lifetime is to be used.
power_spectra : PowerSpectraType
Type of model to use for power spectra
wolfe_iter_count : int
Sets the number of Wolfe iterations that each step of LBFGS uses
learn_nu : bool
If true, learns also the exponent :math:`\nu`, by default True
learning_rate: float = 1e-1
tol: float = 1e-3
nepochs: int = 10
init_with_noise: bool = False
noise_magnitude: float = 1e-3
data_type: DataType = DataType.KAIMAL
eddy_lifetime: EddyLifetimeType = EddyLifetimeType.CUSTOMMLP
power_spectra: PowerSpectraType = PowerSpectraType.RDT
wolfe_iter_count: int = 20
learn_nu: bool = False
class PhysicalParameters:
This class provides a convenient method of storing and passing around
the physical parameters required to define a problem; this also offers
generic default values.
L : float
Characteristic length scale of the problem; 0.59 for Kaimal
Gamma : float
Characteristic time scale of the problem; 3.9 for Kaimal
sigma : float
Spectrum amplitude; 3.2 for Kaimal
Uref : float, optional
Reference velocity value at hub height (m/s)
zref : float, optional
Reference height value; should be measured at hub height (meters)
domain : torch.Tensor
:math:`k_1` domain over which spectra data are defined.
L: float
Gamma: float
sigma: float
Uref: float = 10.0
zref: float = 1.0
ustar: float = 1.0
domain: torch.Tensor = torch.logspace(-1, 2, 20)
class LossParameters:
This class provides a convenient method of storing and passing around
the loss function term coefficients; this also offers default values, which result in the loss function consisting purely of an MSE loss.
.. note::
Using the regularization term :math:`\beta` requires a neural network-based approximation to the eddy lifetime function.
alpha_pen1 : float
Set the first-order penalization term coefficient :math:`\alpha_1`, by default 0.0
alpha_pen2 : float
Set the second-order penalization term coefficient :math:`\alpha_2`, by default 0.0
beta_reg : float
Set the regularization term coefficient :math:`\beta`, by default 0.0
alpha_pen1: float = 0.0
alpha_pen2: float = 0.0
beta_reg: float = 0.0
class NNParameters:
This class provides a generic and convenient method of storing and passing
around values required for the definition of the different neural networks
that are implemented in this package; this also offers default values.
nlayers : int
Number of layers to be used in neural network model
input_size : int
Size of input spectra vector (typically just 3).
hidden_layer_size : int
Determines widths of network layers if they are constant.
hidden_layer_sizes : List[int]
Determines widths of network layers (input-output pairs must match); used for CustomNet
activations : List[torch.Module]
List of activation functions. The list should have the same length as the number of layers, otherwise the activation functions begin to repeat from the beginning of the list.
output_size: int
Dimensionality of the output vector (typically 3 for spectra-fitting tasks).
nlayers: int = 2
input_size: int = 3
hidden_layer_size: int = 10
hidden_layer_sizes: List[int] = field(default_factory=list)
activations: List[nn.Module] = field(default_factory=list)
output_size: int = 3