Source code for drdmannturb.spectra_fitting.one_point_spectra

from typing import Optional

# these imports are only needed for obtaining the exponential approximation of the Mann eddy lifetime function.
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

from ..common import Mann_linear_exponential_approx, MannEddyLifetime, VKEnergySpectrum
from ..enums import EddyLifetimeType, PowerSpectraType
from ..nn_modules import CustomNet, TauNet
from ..parameters import NNParameters, PhysicalParameters
from .power_spectra_rdt import PowerSpectraRDT

[docs] class OnePointSpectra(nn.Module): """ One point spectra implementation, including set-up of eddy lifetime function approximation with DRD models, or several classical eddy lifetime functions. """ def __init__( self, type_eddy_lifetime: EddyLifetimeType, physical_params: PhysicalParameters, type_power_spectra: PowerSpectraType = PowerSpectraType.RDT, nn_parameters: Optional[NNParameters] = None, learn_nu: bool = False, ): r"""Initialization of the one point spectra class. This requires the type of eddy lifetime function to use, the power spectra type (currently only the von Karman spectra is implemented), the neural network parameters to use if a DRD model is selected, and whether or not to learn :math:`\nu` in .. math:: \tau(\boldsymbol{k})=\frac{T|\boldsymbol{a}|^{\nu-\frac{2}{3}}}{\left(1+|\boldsymbol{a}|^2\right)^{\nu / 2}}, \quad \boldsymbol{a}=\boldsymbol{a}(\boldsymbol{k}). Here, .. math:: \boldsymbol{a}(\boldsymbol{k}):=\operatorname{abs}(\boldsymbol{k})+\mathrm{NN}(\operatorname{abs}(\boldsymbol{k})) if a neural network is used to learn the eddy lifetime function. For a discussion of the details and training, refer to the original DRD paper by Keith et al. Non-neural network eddy lifetime functions are provided as well, specifically the Mann model. The default power spectra used is due to von Karman. Parameters ---------- type_eddy_lifetime : EddyLifetimeType, optional Type of eddy lifetime function :math:`\tau` to use. physical_params : PhysicalParameters, Object specifying physical parameters of the problem. type_power_spectra : PowerSpectraType, optional Type of power spectra function to use, by default PowerSpectraType.RDT, the only one currently implemented. nn_parameters : NNParameters, optional Dataclass containing neural network initialization if a neural network is used to approximate the eddy lifetime function, by default None. learn_nu : bool, optional Whether or not to learn :math:`\nu`, by default False. Raises ------ ValueError "Selected neural network-based eddy lifetime function approximation but did not specify neural network parameters. Pass a constructed NNParameters object." """ super(OnePointSpectra, self).__init__() if ( type_eddy_lifetime in [ EddyLifetimeType.TAUNET, EddyLifetimeType.CUSTOMMLP, ] and nn_parameters is None ): raise ValueError( "Selected neural network-based eddy lifetime function approximation but did not specify neural network parameters. Pass a constructed NNParameters object." ) self.type_EddyLifetime = type_eddy_lifetime self.type_PowerSpectra = type_power_spectra # k2 grid p1, p2, N = -3, 3, 100 grid_zero = torch.tensor([0], dtype=torch.float64) grid_plus = torch.logspace(p1, p2, N, dtype=torch.float64) grid_minus = -torch.flip(grid_plus, dims=[0]) self.grid_k2 =, grid_zero, grid_plus)).detach() # k3 grid p1, p2, N = -3, 3, 100 grid_zero = torch.tensor([0], dtype=torch.float64) grid_plus = torch.logspace(p1, p2, N, dtype=torch.float64) grid_minus = -torch.flip(grid_plus, dims=[0]) self.grid_k3 =, grid_zero, grid_plus)).detach() self.meshgrid23 = torch.meshgrid(self.grid_k2, self.grid_k3, indexing="ij") assert physical_params.L > 0, "Length scale L must be positive." assert ( physical_params.Gamma > 0 ), "Characteristic time scale Gamma must be positive." assert physical_params.sigma > 0, "Spectrum amplitude sigma must be positive." self.logLengthScale = nn.Parameter( torch.tensor(np.log10(physical_params.L), dtype=torch.float64) ) self.logTimeScale = nn.Parameter( torch.tensor(np.log10(physical_params.Gamma), dtype=torch.float64) ) self.logMagnitude = nn.Parameter( torch.tensor(np.log10(physical_params.sigma), dtype=torch.float64) ) if self.type_EddyLifetime == EddyLifetimeType.TAUNET: self.tauNet = TauNet( nn_parameters.nlayers, nn_parameters.hidden_layer_size, learn_nu=learn_nu, ) elif self.type_EddyLifetime == EddyLifetimeType.CUSTOMMLP: self.tauNet = CustomNet( nn_parameters.nlayers, nn_parameters.hidden_layer_sizes, nn_parameters.activations, learn_nu=learn_nu, ) elif self.type_EddyLifetime == EddyLifetimeType.MANN_APPROX: self.init_mann_linear_approx = False
[docs] def set_scales( self, LengthScale: np.float64, TimeScale: np.float64, Magnitude: np.float64 ): """Sets scalar values for values used in non-dimensionalization. Parameters ---------- LengthScale : np.float64 Length scale. TimeScale : np.float64 Time scale. Magnitude : np.float64 Spectrum amplitude magnitude. """ self.LengthScale_scalar = LengthScale self.TimeScale_scalar = TimeScale self.Magnitude_scalar = Magnitude
[docs] def exp_scales(self) -> tuple[float, float, float]: """ Exponentiates the length, time, and spectrum amplitude scales, .. note:: The first 3 parameters of self.parameters() are exactly - LengthScale - TimeScale - SpectrumAmplitude Returns ------- tuple[float, float, float] Scalar values for each of the length, time, and magnitude scales, in that order. """ self.LengthScale = torch.exp(self.logLengthScale) # NOTE: this is L self.TimeScale = torch.exp(self.logTimeScale) # NOTE: this is gamma self.Magnitude = torch.exp(self.logMagnitude) # NOTE: this is sigma return self.LengthScale.item(), self.TimeScale.item(), self.Magnitude.item()
[docs] def forward(self, k1_input: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r""" Evaluation of one point spectra .. math:: \widetilde{J}_i(f ; \boldsymbol{\theta})=C k_1 \widetilde{F}_{i i}\left(k_1 z ; \boldsymbol{\theta}\right), defined by equations 6 (a-d) in the original DRD paper. Here, .. math:: \widetilde{F}_{i j}\left(k_1 ; \boldsymbol{\theta}\right)=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \Phi_{i j}^{\mathrm{DRD}}(\boldsymbol{k}, \boldsymbol{\theta}) \mathrm{d} k_2 \mathrm{~d} k_3. Parameters ---------- k1_input : torch.Tensor Discrete :math:`k_1` wavevector domain. Returns ------- torch.Tensor Network output """ self.exp_scales() self.k = torch.stack( torch.meshgrid(k1_input, self.grid_k2, self.grid_k3, indexing="ij"), dim=-1 ) self.k123 = self.k[..., 0], self.k[..., 1], self.k[..., 2] self.beta = self.EddyLifetime() self.k0 = self.k.clone() self.k0[..., 2] = self.k[..., 2] + self.beta * self.k[..., 0] k0L = self.LengthScale * self.k0.norm(dim=-1) self.E0 = ( self.Magnitude * self.LengthScale ** (5.0 / 3.0) * VKEnergySpectrum(k0L) ) self.Phi = self.PowerSpectra() kF = torch.stack([k1_input * self.quad23(Phi) for Phi in self.Phi]) return kF
[docs] def init_mann_approximation(self): r"""Initializes Mann eddy lifetime function approximation by performing a linear regression in log-log space on a given wave space and the true output of .. math:: \frac{x^{-\frac{2}{3}}}{\sqrt{{ }_2 F_1\left(1 / 3,17 / 6 ; 4 / 3 ;-x^{-2}\right)}} This operation is performed once on the CPU. """ kL_temp = np.logspace(-3, 3, 50) kL_temp = kL_temp.reshape(-1, 1) tau_true = np.log( self.TimeScale_scalar * MannEddyLifetime(self.LengthScale_scalar * kL_temp) ) kL_temp_log = np.log(kL_temp) regressor = LinearRegression() # fits in log-log space since tau is nearly linear in log-log, tau_true) print("=" * 40) print( f"Mann Linear Approximation R2 Score in log-log space: {regressor.score(kL_temp_log, tau_true)}" ) print("=" * 40) self.tau_approx_coeff_ = torch.tensor(regressor.coef_.flatten()) self.tau_approx_intercept_ = torch.tensor(regressor.intercept_) self.init_mann_linear_approx = True
[docs] @torch.jit.export def EddyLifetime(self, k: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None) -> torch.Tensor: r""" Evaluation of eddy lifetime function :math:`\tau` constructed during object initialization. This may be the Mann model or a DRD neural network that learns :math:`\tau`. Parameters ---------- k : Optional[torch.Tensor], optional Wavevector domain on which to evaluate the eddy lifetime function, by default None, which defaults to grids in logspace(-3, 3). Returns ------- torch.Tensor Evaluation of current eddylifetime function on provided domain. Raises ------ Exception Did not specify an admissible EddyLifetime model. Refer to the EddyLifetimeType documentation. """ if k is None: k = self.k else: self.exp_scales() kL = self.LengthScale * k.norm(dim=-1) if ( hasattr(self, "init_mann_linear_approx") and self.init_mann_linear_approx is False ): # Mann approximation chosen but not initialized self.init_mann_approximation() if self.type_EddyLifetime == EddyLifetimeType.CONST: tau = torch.ones_like(kL) elif ( self.type_EddyLifetime == EddyLifetimeType.MANN ): # uses numpy - can not be backpropagated, also CPU only. tau = MannEddyLifetime(kL) elif self.type_EddyLifetime == EddyLifetimeType.MANN_APPROX: tau = Mann_linear_exponential_approx( kL, self.tau_approx_coeff_, self.tau_approx_intercept_ ) elif self.type_EddyLifetime == EddyLifetimeType.TWOTHIRD: tau = kL ** (-2 / 3) elif self.type_EddyLifetime in [ EddyLifetimeType.TAUNET, EddyLifetimeType.CUSTOMMLP, ]: tau0 = self.InitialGuess_EddyLifetime() tau = tau0 + self.tauNet(k * self.LengthScale) else: raise Exception( "Did not specify an admissible EddyLifetime model. Refer to the EddyLifetimeType documentation." ) return self.TimeScale * tau
[docs] @torch.jit.export def InitialGuess_EddyLifetime(self): r""" Initial guess at the eddy lifetime function which the DRD model uses in learning the :math:`\tau` eddy lifetime function. By default, this is just the :math:`0` function, but later functionality may allow this to be dynamically set. Returns ------- float Initial guess evaluation, presently, the :math:`0` function. """ return 0.0
[docs] @torch.jit.export def PowerSpectra(self): """ Calls the RDT Power Spectra model with current approximation of the eddy lifetime function and the energy spectrum. Returns ------- torch.Tensor RDT power spectra evaluation. Raises ------ Exception In the case that the Power Spectra is not RDT and therefore incorrect. """ if self.type_PowerSpectra == PowerSpectraType.RDT: return PowerSpectraRDT(self.k, self.beta, self.E0) else: raise Exception("Incorrect PowerSpectra model !")
[docs] @torch.jit.export def quad23(self, f: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r""" Computes an approximation of the integral of the discretized function :math:`f` in the dimensions defined by :math:`k_2` and :math:`k_3` using the trapezoidal rule: .. math:: \int \int f(k_1 ; \mathbf{\theta}) d k_2 dk_3. Parameters ---------- f : torch.Tensor Function evaluation (tensor) to integrate over the frequency domain constructed during initialization. Returns ------- torch.Tensor Evaluated double integral. """ # NOTE: Integration in k3 quad = torch.trapz(f, x=self.k[..., 2], dim=-1) # NOTE: Integration in k2 (fixed k3=0, since slices are identical in meshgrid) quad = torch.trapz(quad, x=self.k[..., 0, 1], dim=-1) return quad
[docs] @torch.jit.export def get_div(self, Phi: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r""" Evaluates the divergence of an evaluated spectral tensor. This is evaluated simply as :math:`\textbf{k} \cdot \Phi_{\textbf{k}}` and normalized by the trace. Parameters ---------- Phi : torch.Tensor Discrete evaluated spectral tensor :math:`\Phi(\textbf{k}, \tau)`, which may or may not depend on the eddy lifetime function. For instance, if the von Karman model is used, no :math:`\tau` dependence is present. Returns ------- torch.Tensor Divergence of the spectral tensor in the frequency domain. """ k1, k2, k3 = self.freq Phi11, Phi22, Phi33, Phi13, Phi12, Phi23 = Phi div = torch.stack( [ k1 * Phi11 + k2 * Phi12 + k3 * Phi13, k1 * Phi12 + k2 * Phi22 + k3 * Phi23, k1 * Phi13 + k2 * Phi23 + k3 * Phi33, ] ) / (1.0 / 3.0 * (Phi11 + Phi22 + Phi33)) return div