UML Diagram for Fluctuation Field Generation#

Here is an UML diagram representing the interoperability between several internal classes of the package that comprise the fluctuation generator GenerateFluctuationField. Please refer to specific class documentations for details. The following diagram is interactive – try zooming and panning to resize for your convenience.

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classDiagram direction LR GenerateFluctuationField ..> VectorGaussianRandomField GaussianRandomField ..> Covariance VectorGaussianRandomField --|> GaussianRandomField subgraph cov direction TB MannCovariance --|> Covariance VonKarmanCovariance --|> Covariance NNCovariance --|> Covariance end GenerateFluctuationField : +np.ndarray total_fluctuation GenerateFluctuationField : +Callable log_law GenerateFluctuationField : +int seed GenerateFluctuationField : +Covariance Covariance GenerateFluctuationField : +VectorGaussianRandomField RF GenerateFluctuationField: -_generate_block() GenerateFluctuationField: +generate() GenerateFluctuationField: +normalize() GenerateFluctuationField: +save_to_vtk() class VectorGaussianRandomField{ +int vdim +tuple DomainSlice } class Covariance{ +int ndim +eval() } class GaussianRandomField{ +np.RandomState prng +Callable Correlate +Callable Covariance +setSamplingMethod() +sample_noise() +sample() +reseed() } class VonKarmanCovariance{ +float length_scale +float E0 +precompute_Spectrum() } class MannCovariance{ +float length_scale +float E0 +float Gamma +precompute_Spectrum() } class NNCovariance{ +float length_scale +float E0 +float Gamma +float h_ref +OnePointSpectra ops +precompute_Spectrum() }