Example 9: Fluctuation Field Generation from DRD Model#

This example demonstrates the utilities for generating fluctuation fields, which can be either from a pre-trained DRD model, or based on some well-known spectra models. DRDMannTurb provides several utilities for plotting the resulting fields through Plotly, which can be done in several contexts as well as utilities for saving to VTK for downstream analysis.

This example may take a few seconds to load. Please be patient if using Plotly, as it requires some time to render 3D graphics.

Import packages#

First, we import the packages we need for this example.

from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
import torch

from drdmannturb.fluctuation_generation import (
    plot_velocity_components,  # utility function for plotting each velocity component in the field, not used in this example
from drdmannturb.fluctuation_generation import (

path = Path().resolve()

device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"

# v2: torch.set_default_device('cuda:0')
if torch.cuda.is_available():

Setting Physical Parameters#

Here, we set the physical parameters of the environment in which the synthetic wind field is generated. The physical domain is determined by dimensions in 3D as well as the discretization size (grid levels) in each dimension.

z0 = 0.02
zref = 90
uref = 11.4
ustar = uref * 0.41 / np.log(zref / z0)
windprofiletype = "LOG"  # choosing log law, use power law with "PL" here instead

L = 0.593 * zref  # length scale
Gamma = 3.89  # time scale
sigma = 0.052  # magnitude (σ = αϵ^{2/3})

Lx = 720
Ly = 64
Lz = 64

nBlocks = 3
grid_dimensions = np.array([Lx / 4, Ly, Lz])

grid_levels = np.array([6, 4, 4])

seed = None

Fluctuation Field Generation from Pre-Trained DRD Model#

We now generate a similar fluctuation field in the same physical setting and domain but using a pre-trained DRD model. This model is the result of fitting to the Kaimal spectrum, showcased in Example 2, so we anticipate the resulting fluctuation fields to be similar. Note that since DRD models learn the scales, these are taken from the saved object, which has these values as parameters. The field generation process can be summarized by the following diagram of a 2D domain (a transversal cross-section of a 3D turbulence block).


A continuous wind field is generated block-by-block where noise is being copied from the end of one block to the start of the next block. Turbulent fluctuations are recomputed block-by-block using the partially shared noise. Common Gaussian noise is used in the overlapping domains. This diagram is from Keith, Khristenko, Wohlmuth (2021), please see the discussion therein for further details.

path_to_parameters = (
    path / "../docs/source/results/EddyLifetimeType.CUSTOMMLP_DataType.KAIMAL.pkl"
    if path.name == "examples"
    else path / "../results/EddyLifetimeType.CUSTOMMLP_DataType.KAIMAL.pkl"

Type_Model = "DRD"  ### 'Mann', 'VK', 'DRD'
nBlocks = 2

gen_drd = GenerateFluctuationField(
Scales:  [0.618531499448483, 2.6671231225886314, 75.894722031137]

Adding the mean velocity profile#

The mean velocity profile follows the power law profile

\begin{align}\left\langle U_1(z)\right\rangle= U_{\text{ref}} \frac{\ln \left( \frac{z}{z_0} + 1 \right)}{\ln \left( \frac{z_{\text{ref}}}{z_0} \right)}\end{align}

where \(U_{\text{ref}}\) is the reference velocity, \(z_0\) is the roughness height, and \(z_{\text{ref}}\) is the reference height.

fluctuation_field_drd = gen_drd.generate(nBlocks, zref, uref, z0, windprofiletype)

Evaluating Divergence Properties and Plotting#

DRDMannTurb provides utilities for computing the divergence of the resulting wind field as well as visualizing results. At the continuum level, the DRD model should yield an approximately divergence-free wind field, which we observe to within a reasonable tolerance. Also, the divergence is expected to decrease as the resolution of the wind field is improved.

spacing = tuple(grid_dimensions / (2.0**grid_levels + 1))

gen_drd.evaluate_divergence(spacing, fluctuation_field_drd).max()

We now visualize the output wind field.

fig_magnitude_drd = plot_velocity_magnitude(
    spacing, fluctuation_field_drd, transparent=True

# this is a Plotly figure, which can be visualized with the ``.show()`` method in different contexts.
fig_magnitude_drd  # .show("browser"), or for specific browser, use .show("firefox")

Saving Generated Fluctuation Field as VTK#

For higher resolution wind fields, we suggest using Paraview. To transfer the generated data from our package, we provide the .save_to_vtk() method.

filename = str(
    path / "../docs/source/results/fluctuation_drd"
    if path.name == "examples"
    else path / "../results/fluctuation_drd"
